Our MD program is flexible and designed to accommodate your unique interests and goals. Whether you know your calling already or need more time to decide which kind of doctor you will be, we have a supportive faculty and a variety of real-world experience options to help make you a competitive residency candidate and get you to where you need to be.

The Doctor of Medicine (MD) Course is a twelve (12) semesters programme that includes Basic Sciences and Clinical Rotations in Hospitals and Primary Health Care Facilities in Jamaica, Cuba, the Caribbean, and the United States.

Students are trained to sit the United States Medical License Examination I (USMLE I) at the end of Year two (2), USMLE II at the end of year three (3), and USMLE III at the end of year four (4).   Students are also prepared for the Caribbean Association of Medical Councils Examination (CAMCE).  CSMSJ students have a 100% pass rate at the CAMCE.  The students are required to do a year of internship.

The requirement for progression and graduation is to attain the appropriate standards of the Medical School and to pass all the exams that the school administers.

At the end of successful training, students are awarded a Caribbean School of Medical Sciences, Jamaica Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree.

Students who wish to be trained to sit the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) and United Kingdom (PLAB) as they desire are accommodated.

The objective is to create highly qualified individuals ready to make their mark in the practice of Medicine locally and globally.

 Programme Outline

The programme is divided into Basic Sciences for six (6) semesters and complete preparation for CSMSJ MD I and USMLE I.  This will be followed by six (6)-semester clinical rotation classes thorough preparation for CSMSJ MD II & III and USMLE II/III.

Embedded in this Curriculum is also a strict programme for acquiring technical and professional competence in understanding disease processes, diagnosis, investigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients.




Systems-based approach, including Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, and Pharmacology.




The Caribbean School of Medical Sciences, Jamaica, places great emphasis on the above.

Areas such as Diabetology and Endocrinology, Public Health, Sports Medicine, Tourism (Health Tourism), and Health Technology are emphasized as part of our offering.


  • Internal Medicine
  • General Surgery
  • Pediatrics
  • Obstetrics & Psychiatry
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Family Medicine
  • Psychiatry


  • 3 Compulsory
  • 6 Option Selection

All Medical students graduate with competence in CPR, BLS, and ACLS.

Many Medical Schools, especially Ivy Leagues USA and European Medical Schools, are re-evaluating the importance of complementary and Eastern medical practices, e.g., Acupuncture, and have invited scientific evaluation and engaging public discussion around topics such as Integrated Medicine.

The Caribbean School of Medical Sciences, Jamaica, will not ignore these developments and will keep a close eye on their evolution and incorporate aspects of these programmes as the need arises.

Clinical Teaching Facilities

The Caribbean School of Medical Sciences, Jamaica, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the government of Jamaica through the Ministries of Health & Wellness for clinical sites in Jamaica. There are also Clinical Sites in Cuba and the United States.

We also have signed MOU with Winchester Surgical and Medical Institute, Heart Institute of the Caribbean, and other private institutions for observational experiences. Part of these MOUs underscores our commitment to standardizing these sites, making them adequate for training in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Foundation for Advancement of International, Medical Education & Research (FAIMER) and CAAM-HP standards.

What Do you Need to Get Started?

  • 1. Pre-Med Qualification


  • 2. First degree in Sciences/Health Sciences

NB: Students whose official language is not English and who have not passed Secondary level English will be required to pass an English Proficiency Test.

Programme Cost

US$18000.00 per year for the first and second year
US$24000.00 per year for the third and fourth year
You can apply for financial support from:

  • Student Loan Bureau
  • Scholarship (Contact us for further detail)
  • CSMSJ Endowment Foundation


  • Caribbean School of Medical Sciences Jamaica (CSMSJ) has been a Chartered Tertiary Institution since 2017.
  • We are registered with The University Council of Jamaica (UCJ).
  • We are registered with the World Directory of Medical Sciences (WDMS) and the Foundation for Advancement of International, Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).
  • We are registered with the Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission (JTEC).